Tuesday, November 25, 2008

M U L T I M E D I A E X P E R I E N C E : portfolio site concepts

  1. Horizontal movement: macro - micro view of work
  2. divid all content into two parent categories: emotion/logic
  3. homepage randomly choses a portfolio piece each time it is refreshed
  4. each page (content type) is a room in a house. different types of work are contained within different rooms
  5. hallway with multiple doors dedicated to specific content
  6. night skyscape: constellations are formed through navigation
  7. subservient curtis: user can command me to present certain work as well as do other things
  8. filters determine given content (color, creation date, emotion, type, etc)
  9. site framed within actual eyeglass lens: focus blurs during transitions. left lens= nav; right lens= content

1 comment:

Garrettttttttttttttt said...

I love the "refreshing" idea. You could totally tie it into branding yourself. Letting them know that they can be refreshed with another piece of design. Perhaps not randomly, though. It should be a linear presentation. But, maybe after the 4th refresh it asks the user, "tired of refreshing? try conventional navigation."
