Tuesday, March 25, 2008

P R O J E C T 2 // statement

My site explores the ways in which data can be arranged to suit what is of most importance to the user.

This non-linear navigation provides specialized arrangements of all the material by prioritizing it according to specific viewing methods.

I chose to modify the recycle symbol and use it as my primary navigation graphic because i felt it related to the content of the site and its directional quality seemed appropriate to the idea of navigation.

Once a method is selected, the arrows composing the recycle symbol shuffle to the new order and proceed into the first step.

From the main step pages, the user can navigate to the next and previous step and also reveal tidbits through the bottom graphics that change depending on the current step.

what i learned
Throughout the course of this project i became more aware of the tendencies of users when navigating through a webpage. I also gained knowledge of how to create a navigational system that provides ease of movement to all areas of the site.

Since webpages have to grab your attention quickly or else we move on, i feel that hierarchy plays an even more important role on the web.

what i would do different
Explore more color options and add more subtle animations that smooth the transition between the clicking of buttons and the actions that follow. 

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